Oracle APEX 18.1 Tutorial For Beginners
Current version of Oracle APEX is 18.1, here we are going to discuss about Oracle APEX 18.1 tutorial for beginners. So let's get started.
Oracle Application Express is a free development tool provided by Oracle. Why it called express because it allows developers to create web-based applications quickly only by using a web browser and stored data directly into Oracle database.
Oracle Application Express is a free development tool provided by Oracle. Why it called express because it allows developers to create web-based applications quickly only by using a web browser and stored data directly into Oracle database.
New Features Available
Here are new features available on Oracle APEX 18.1:
- Access control
- Email Reporting
- Feedback
- Activity reporting
- Dynamic user interface selection
- Cards report interface
- Timeline Report
- A Dashboard
- REST Enabled SQL to include data from another remote database without database link
- Oracle Cloud Application REST services
- Able to generate Swagger documentation against REST definition on a button click
- Wizard streamlined with fewer steps
- Advanced color palette and graphics on Page Designer
- Native authentication scheme and social sign-in
- New chart (Box-Plot, Gantt, Pyramid)
- ListView, Reflow report, Column Toggle on Mobile applications
- Universal theme enhancement for mobile
- a Set of 32x32 high-resolution icons
That's all for the new features available on Oracle APEX 18.1.
Thank You - bobsis
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